Adoption of the child – the birth of love
Adoption is love. A tale of child adoption
What is it like to be an adoptive parent?

Everyone asked us for adoption, some added strength, others took it, as in life. We also met people who have passed a similar path to us and those who are just considering adopting … The site was created (in principle still being created) for those who are just about to adopt a child, for those who have already adopted and who want to support each other on this difficult and at the same time happy way, but also for those who will meet, or have already met adoption families.
When parents adopt a child
We want to say about the adoption from the other side, that is, as if from the inside, how it changed and is constantly changing, how we got to each other and become the Mother, Dad and Son every day. Because this change did not concern and it does not concern only us but also the boy who came to us. About this in the My Adoption Parents tab.
We would also like to help children who have been waiting too long for Home and Loving Parents for too long. In the „Looking for Parents” tab, we post information about children for whom it is more difficult to find an Adoption Mom and Adopted Dad, whether due to their history, health, age, origin, too many siblings. Maybe someone will recognize YOUR CHILD in them, which only by mistake was born to other parents. A child who is waiting so much for love …
Adoptive stories
We would also like to invite ALL who have adopted a child (as well as their family, friends) to tell us their story and add it to the Eyes of Adoption Parents tab. We will also include children’s experiences in the Child Eyes tab. We will be grateful to everyone for whom adoption is not alien to all thoughts, advice, sharing their history.
The blog of the adoptive family
Our site can not do without a blog, the topics of which life itself teaches us, are our thoughts on child education, fascination with the world of children, joys that we experience as Adoption Parents and everyday worries and challenges that life puts before us … On adoption without icings
Questions and thoughts for which you will find the answer:
What are the adoption procedures? Who can adopt a child? What does adoption of a child look like? How is the life of adoptive parents changing? What problems can they encounter? What myths about adoption have grown? And what does the adoption reality really look like? What is the difference between adoptive and substitute parenting? How to become a foster family? What are the types of this form of care?